Los Golden Trailer Awards son unos premios que como su nombre bien indican pretenden galardonar a los mejores trailers del año. Por ahora os dejamos con los nominados y con los enlaces a los trailers. En breve, cuando nos dé tiempo y tengamos ganas, haremos nuestra propia lista de los mejores trailers del año pasado.
Best Action
- Inception «Control», Warner Bros., BLT:AV
- Sucker Punch «Trailer», Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures, Mojo
- The Town «This Side», Warner Bros., Wild Card
- Unstoppable «Domestic Trailer», 20th Century Fox, Ignition Creative
Best Animation/Family
- Cars 2 «Spies Are Us», Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, mOcean
- Gnomeo & Juliet, Walt Disney Studios, The Ant Farm
- Hop «Battle For Easter», NBC Universal, Cimarron Entertainment
- Rango «Teaser», Paramount Pictures, The Ant Farm
Best Comedy
- Bad Teacher «Hot For Teacher», Columbia, Seismic Productions
- The Hangover Part II «Trailer #3», Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures, BLT:AV
- The Other Guys «Return to Glory», Columbia, Seismic Productions
- Paul «Trailer», Universal/Working Title, Workshop Creative
Best Documentary
- Catfish, Universal Pictures, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Life in a Day «Best Day Ever Trailer», Scott Free/National Geographic, Empire Design
- Running America, Nehst, Mighty Pictures
- The Tillman Story «Trailer 1», The Weinstein Company/ A&E Indie Films, Zealot Productions Inc.
Best Drama
- 127 Hours, Fox Searchlight/Pathe, Motive
- Hereafter «Connection», Warner Bros., Wild Card
- The King’s Speech, The Weinstein Company, AV Squad
- The Social Network «Domestic Trailer #2», Sony Pictures, Mark Woollen & Associates
Best Horror
- Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark «Whisper», Miramax, Buddha Jones
- The Last Exorcism, Lionsgate, Mojo
- Let Me In «More», Overture/Hammer/Relativity Films, Buddha Jones
- The Rite «Proof», New Line Cinema, Aspect Ratio
Best Independent Trailer
- It’s Kind of a Funny Story, Focus Features, Big Science Film, Inc
- Martha Marcy May Marlene «Can’t Wait», Fox Searchlight, Acme Trailer Company
- Tree of Life, Fox Searchlight, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Winter’s Bone, Roadside Attractions, AV Squad
Best Music
- Battle: Los Angeles «Prepare», Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, Wild Card
- Rabbit Hole «Trailer 1A», Lionsgate, Ignition
- The Social Network «Trailer 2», Sony Pictures, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Sucker Punch «Trailer», Warner Bros., Mojo
Best Romance
- Beginners, Focus Features, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Blue Valentine «Trailer 1», The Weinstein Company, Zealot Productions Inc
- Love and Other Drugs «Match Trailer», 20th Century Fox, Empire Design
- Something Borrowed «Best Things», Alcon Entertainment/Warner Bros., Trailer Park
Best Thriller
- Black Swan, Fox Searchlight, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Buried «Trailer 1A», Lionsgate, Ignition
- Super 8, Paramount Pictures, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Unknown «Puzzle», Warner Bros., AV Squad
Best Video Game Trailer
- Crysis 2 «Launch Trailer», Electronic Arts, Hammer Creative
- End of Nations «Backstory Trailer», The Ant Farm, Trion Worlds
- Prototype 2 «Maker», Radical Entertainment, Buddha Jones
- Starcraft II «Prepare», Blizzard Entertainment, Mojo
The Don LaFontaine Award for Best Voice Over
- Biutiful «Intl Trailer», Focus Features International, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Born To Be Wild «Evolution», Warner Bros. Pictures, Mob Scene Creative + Productions
- The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc Sec «UK Trailer», Optimum Releasing, The Editpool
- Tangled «Flynn’s Story», Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, mOcean
Golden Fleece
- Burlesque «Make A Star», Screen Gems, Seismic Productions
- Faster «Int’l Trailer B», Sony Pictures Releasing, Tao Creative
- Stone «Trailer», Overture Films, In Sync Advertising
- The Tourist «Domestic Trailer», Columbia, Create Advertising Group
Most Original
- Battle: Los Angeles «Prepare», Columbia/Sony Pictures Entertainment, Wild Card
- Buried «Trailer 1A», Lionsgate, Ignition
- The Social Network «Domestic Trailer #2», Sony Pictures, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Tree of Life, Fox Searchlight, Mark Woollen & Associates
Summer 2011 Blockbuster
- Cowboys & Aliens «Domestic Trailer», Universal Pictures/Paramount Pictures, Ignition Creative
- Pirates of the Caribbean 4 «Jack», Walt Disney Pictures, Create Advertising Group
- Super 8, Paramount Pictures, Mark Woollen & Associates
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon «Alien Secret», Paramount Pictures, Wild Card
Trashiest Trailer
- F «UK Trailer», Optimum Releasing, The Editpool
- Hobo With A Shotgun «Red Band», Magnet, AV Squad
- Machete «Machete Int’l Trailer B», Sony Pictures Releasing Int’l, Tao Creative
- Piranha 3D «2 Million Years», Dimension Films, Buddha Jones
Best Motion/Title Graphics
- Anonymous «Teaser», Columbia Pictures, Vibe Creative,Inc.
- I Love You Phillip Morris «Guess Who’s Coming – Green Band», Roadside Attractions, Trailer Park
- Saw 3D «Witness», Lionsgate, Buddha Jones
- The Wrecking Crew «Official Trailer», Lunch Box Entertainment, Evolver Creative Inc.
Best Sound Editing
- Battle: Los Angeles «Domestic Trailer: Secret», Columbia Pictures, Ignition Creative
- I Saw the Devil «Red Band», Magnet, AV Squad
- The Mechanic «Clear Message», CBS Films, Trailer Park
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon «Alien Secret», Paramount Pictures, Wild Card
Best Trailer – No Movie
Foreign Trailer Nominees
Best Foreign Action Trailer
- 22 Bullets «German Trailer», Europa Corp/Central Film/Wild Bunch, Trailerhaus
- Carlos «German Trailer», Warner Bros. Pictures, Trailerhaus
- Centurion, Magnolia Pictures, Kinetic Trailers
- Valhalla Rising «Theatrical Trailer», IFC Films, Kinetic Trailers
Best Foreign Comedy Trailer
- Potiche «Trailer 1», Music Box Films, Zealot Productions Inc
- Soul Kitchen «Soul Kitchen», IFC Films, Big Science Film, Inc
- Submarine «Trailer 1», The Weinstein Company, Zealot Productions Inc
- Wild Target, Entertainment Films, Create Advertising Group
Best Foreign Drama Trailer
- Empire of Silver, Neo Classics Films, Big Science Film, Inc.
- The King’s Speech «Trailer 1», Momentum Pictures, Zealot Productions Inc
- Life, Above All «Theatrical Trailer», Sony Pictures Classics, Kinetic Trailers
- Oranges and Sunshine «Trailer 1», Icon Films, Zealot Productions Inc
Best Foreign Horror/Thriller Trailer
- F «UK Trailer», Optimum Releasing, The Editpool
- I Saw the Devil «Red Band», Magnet, AV Squad
- REC2 «Red Band», Magnet, AV Squad
- Silent House «Theatrical Trailer», IFC Films, Kinetic Trailers
Best Foreign Romance Trailer
- Empire of Silver, NeoClassics Films, Big Science Film, Inc
- Goethe! «Main Trailer», Warner Bros. Germany, Fleischmann Trailer
- Rosebud «Cinema Trailer», Monolith Films, Trailer and More
- Tequila, Quality Films, Fix Comunicacion
Most Original Foreign Trailer
- Drei «Main Trailer», X Verleih, Fleischmann Trailer
- REC2 «Red Band», Magnet, AV Squad
- Rubber «Greenband Trailer 1», Magnolia Pictures, Zealot Productions Inc
- Wasted on the Young «Teaser», Paramount, The Solid State